User Guide [UG template version 16a] [Sprint_HTC_10_ ug_en_05052016]
TOC ix Check the Time ... 184 Set the D
Phone Calls and Voicemail 87 People: Display your contacts list. Open contact card: Display the caller’s contact information. End a Call There
Phone Calls and Voicemail 88 Call History Call history lists all recent incoming, outgoing, and missed calls. Call history makes redialing a number f
Phone Calls and Voicemail 89 3. Touch and hold the entry you want to call and tap Edit number before calling. 4. Enter the prefix and tap to call
Phone Calls and Voicemail 90 3. Follow the system prompts to: Create your passcode. Record your name announcement. Record your greeting. Im
Phone Calls and Voicemail 91 Review Visual Voicemail Visual Voicemail lets you easily access and select which messages you want to review. 1. Tap
Phone Calls and Voicemail 92 2. Your Visual Voicemail inbox appears. 3. Do any of the following: Tap to access your voicemail folders such as
Phone Calls and Voicemail 93 Edit the Display Name via the Voicemail Menu From your Visual Voicemail menu, you can quickly change the name or number
Phone Calls and Voicemail 94 4. Tap Call. To permanently block your number, call Sprint Customer Service. Call Waiting When you’re on a call, Call W
Phone Calls and Voicemail 95 Internet Calls When you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network, you can make and receive calls through an Internet calling acco
Phone Calls and Voicemail 96 Lower the Ring Volume Automatically Your phone has a quiet ring feature that automatically lowers the ring volume when y
TOC x Daydream ... 203 Media Ge
Phone Calls and Voicemail 97 Hearing Aids Select the Hearing aids option to enable hearing aid compatibility that amplifies your phone’s in-call volu
Phone Calls and Voicemail 98 Warning: 9-1-1 Emergency Calling Sprint recommends that TTY users make emergency calls by other means, including Telecom
Contacts 99 Contacts The Contacts application lets you store and manage contacts from a variety of sources, including contacts you enter and save dir
Contacts 100 Favorites tab Show all contacts. People tab Show favorite contacts. Contact name Tap to show contact’s details. This also shows when a c
Contacts 101 Find people in your contacts list. Tap , and then enter the first few letters of the contact name in the Search people box. Find
Contacts 102 Add a New People Entry Start adding your contacts on your phone. If you’ve set up an email account on your phone, you can sync your new
Contacts 103 Tip: For more ways of getting in touch with your contact, tap an icon below the contact photo. Manage People Entries Make sure your co
Contacts 104 Delete Multiple Entries Clean up your contacts list by deleting entries that you no longer need. 1. Tap > > People. 2. On
Contacts 105 2. On the People tab, tap the Contact link suggestion notification when available. You’ll see a list of suggested contacts to merge. 3.
Contacts 106 To send someone’s contact information, touch and hold the name of the contact (not the icon or photo), and then tap Send contact as v
TOC xi Customize the Home and Lock Screen Settings ... 217 Ringtone ...
Contacts 107 3. Enter a name for the group. 4. Tap > Add contact to group. 5. Select the contacts you want to add, and then tap Save. Send a
Contacts 108 3. You can: Rearrange the contact groups. Drag at the end of the group name to its new position. Select the contact groups you
Contacts 109 Add a Contact to the Private Contacts List 1. Tap > > People. 2. Touch and hold the contact, and then tap Add to private c
Messaging 110 Messaging With wireless service and your phone’s messaging and data capabilities, you have the opportunity to share information through
Messaging 111 Send a Multimedia Message (MMS) When you need to add a little more to a text message, you can send a multimedia message (MMS) with pict
Messaging 112 4. Tap > Preview. Tap once on the preview screen to see playback controls. Tap to return to the compose screen. 5. When finish
Messaging 113 Answer: In Message settings, tap Multimedia messages (MMS), and then turn Group Messaging on or off. Save and Resume Composing a Draft
Messaging 114 Reply to an Alternate Contact Phone Number When a contact has multiple phone numbers stored on your phone, you’ll see the particular ph
Messaging 115 ● If the attachment is an appointment or event (vCalendar), tap it to choose the calendar where to save it, and then tap Import. Note:
Messaging 116 Block Unwanted Messages Declutter your Messages screen by moving spam messages from contacts to the block box. If you have blocked a co
TOC xii System Updates ... 232 A
Messaging 117 Back Up Text Messages 1. Tap > > Messages. 2. On the All messages screen, tap > Back up/Restore SMS > Back up. 3.
Messaging 118 Text and Multimedia Message Options You can set how your phone notifies you when you receive a new text or multimedia message, or set o
Messaging 119 Multimedia Messages (MMS) Settings: MMS settings • Auto-retrieve: Select this option to automatically retrieve all your multimedia
Messaging 120 General: Signature • Use signature: Select this option to add a signature to all your outgoing text and multimedia messages. • Sig
Messaging 121 Note: While composing the message, tap > Save draft to save it as a draft. To discard the message, tap > Discard. Check Recei
Messaging 122 Manage Gmail Messages Your phone gives you control over how you manage your Gmail messages with labels, thread management, search cap
Messaging 123 Use Gmail Labels Gmail saves all mail in one box, but you can add labels that allow you to sort your Gmail conversation threads. For ex
Messaging 124 2. Touch and hold a conversation thread to add a checkmark to it, and then tap . The thread is deleted. Search Gmail Messages If y
Messaging 125 2. Tap > Settings. 3. Tap General settings to access settings for all accounts, or tap an account name to configure settings for
Messaging 126 2. Tap > Exchange. 3. Enter the email address and password for your email account, and then tap Next. 4. In the Incoming serv
1 Getting Started The following set of topics will introduce you to your phone, help you get set up with service, provide an overview of the phone s
Internet and Social Networking 127 Internet and Social Networking Understand your phone's data connection and start your social networking with
Internet and Social Networking 128 When you use data services, your user name is submitted to identify you to the network. Your user name is automati
Internet and Social Networking 129 Manage Your Data Usage If you’re on a limited data allowance, it’s important to keep track of the activities and a
Internet and Social Networking 130 2. Under Wireless & networks, tap More > Data usage. 3. On the Mobile tab, drag the vertical line markers
Internet and Social Networking 131 3. To switch among browser tabs, tap and then tap the webpage you want to view. 4. To close a browser tab, tap
Internet and Social Networking 132 4. Select the browsing data you want to delete, and then tap Clear. Tip: If you want to select which webpage entr
Internet and Social Networking 133 Using Hangouts 1. Tap > > Hangouts. The Hangouts app will open. 2. Type a name, email, number, or
Internet and Social Networking 134 5. When the download has completed, tap Open. To open the app from the Home screen, tap > Twitter. Tweet on
Global Services 135 Global Services With your phone and global roaming service from Sprint WorldwideSM Wireless Service, you can make phone calls and
Global Services 136 3. Tap the checkbox for International voice & text roaming. 4. Tap OK. To set your network mode options manually: Swipe
Important Information 2 Important Information The following topics provide important information that should be read prior to using your HTC 10. Radi
Global Services 137 Make Calls Using Plus (+) Code Dialing Placing calls from one country to another country is simple with the Plus (+) Code Dialing
Global Services 138 1. Tap > > People. 2. Tap . 3. In the "Name" field, enter the name of your voicemail number (for exampl
Global Services 139 Data services are available on both CDMA and GSM/UMTS networks. Check and to determine the s
Global Services 140 ● First try powering your phone off and then back on; this will force your phone to reregister with the network. ● Try manually
Global Services 141 Trinidad and Tobago 1-800-201-7545 United Kingdom 0808-234-6616 Note: This toll free service is available on ordinary landli
Connectivity 142 Connectivity The following topics address your phone’s connectivity options, including USB file transfer and tethering, Wi-Fi, Bluet
Connectivity 143 4. On your computer, navigate to the detected device (such as through the My Computer menu) and open it. 5. If available, select a
Connectivity 144 4. Touch and hold an unsecured Wi‑Fi network you want stop being notified about, and tap Block network notification. 5. To unblock
Connectivity 145 Wi-Fi Direct and Wi-Fi are unavailable at the same time. 6. Tap a device with which to connect. If connected via Wi-Fi, you will
Connectivity 146 3. Tap the VPN that you want to connect to. 4. Enter your login credentials, and then tap Connect. When you are connected, the VPN
Introduction 3 Introduction The following topics describe the basics of using this guide and your new phone. About the User Guide Thank you for purch
Connectivity 147 ● To make sure that the USB drivers for your phone are up-to-date, install the latest version of HTC Sync Manager on your computer.
Connectivity 148 Important: For you to listen to music with your headset, the headset must support the A2DP Bluetooth profile. Note: Before you conne
Connectivity 149 Send Information Using Bluetooth You can use Bluetooth to transfer information between your phone and another Bluetooth-enabled devi
Connectivity 150 ● On Windows 7, the path may be: C:\Users\[your username]\My Documents\Bluetooth Exchange Folder ● On Windows 8, the path may be:
Connectivity 151 Share Content with NFC With built-in NFC (near field communication) on your phone, you can share content to someone’s mobile phone i
Connectivity 152 2. Tap the screen. The shared content appears on the other screen. For some items that you’ve shared (such as contact information)
Connectivity 153 ● HTC certified consumer electronic devices or accessories that have the HTC Connect logo. Note: Some devices may need to be pair
Connectivity 154 3. Choose the device you want to connect to. 4. Once connected, use your phone to control the volume, pause or resume playback,
Connectivity 155 Stream Music to Blackfire Compliant Speakers Play music simultaneously to multiple Blackfire compliant speakers from your phone.
Connectivity 156 2. Swipe up with three fingers on the screen. Your phone then turns Wi-Fi on automatically and scans for media devices on your
Introduction 4 Check Basic Operations To help you learn how to use your phone faster, check the following sections. ● Set Up Your Phone ● Basic Ope
Connectivity 157 Rename the Speakers You can rename your Blackfire compliant speakers in Settings. 1. Make sure the speakers are connected to your
158 Apps and Entertainment The following set of topics will explore the features that make your phone so much more than a phone, from the camera and
Camera and Video 159 Camera and Video Take great photos and videos and make them more memorable by applying a variety of effects and scenes. You can
Camera and Video 160 Switch between the front camera and main camera. Switch between Video and Photo modes. Capture a photo. View the last photo
Camera and Video 161 5. You can quickly switch back to either Photo or Video mode when you're in other capture modes without opening the slideo
Camera and Video 162 3. Tap to open the slideout menu. 4. Tap the current setting—for example — to change the photo quality and size, or aspect
Camera and Video 163 4. To adjust the exposure, tap the screen, and then drag your finger up and down. 5. When you’re ready to take the shot, tap
Camera and Video 164 Improve Focus ● The laser auto focus intelligently finds the best shot based on its position and pointed direction. Tapping the
Camera and Video 165 1. Tap > Camera. 2. Switch to Video mode, if you're not in this mode. See Choose a Capture Mode. 3. Tap to open
Camera and Video 166 Take Continuous Camera Shots Take photos of moving subjects. Whether it’s your kid’s football game or a car race, you can captur
Set Up Your Phone 5 Set Up Your Phone The following topics give you all the information you need to set up your phone and wireless service the first
Camera and Video 167 Tips for Taking Selfies and People Shots Look best in your shot. Here are some camera options you can adjust or select before ta
Camera and Video 168 5. Select the Auto Selfie option, and then tap outside the slideout menu to close it. 6. Pose and frame yourself on the Viewfi
Camera and Video 169 Zoe Camera Get more than just a still photo. With Zoe camera, capture living moments as a photo and 3 seconds of HD video. Some
Camera and Video 170 Pro Mode If you want to have expert command of your camera settings for different environments or lighting conditions, manually
Camera and Video 171 RAW Photos The Camera app captures a photo in both the DNG RAW format and JPG format. Digital Negative (DNG) is an open-standar
Camera and Video 172 3. Tap a thumbnail to view it in full screen. 4. To view an album, tap to open the slideout menu, and then tap Device folder
Camera and Video 173 3. Tap , and then tap RAW Enhancement. 4. Tap to toggle between before and after photos. 5. Tap when done. Trim a Video
Camera and Video 174 3. Tap . 4. Move the left and right sliders to divide your video into sections. 5. Tap a section that you want to adjust, an
Productivity 175 Productivity The following topics detail many of your phone’s productivity apps and features including how to search for information
Productivity 176 Schedule or Edit an Event You can create or edit events on your phone, and also sync events with your Google or Exchange ActiveSync
Set Up Your Phone 6 HTC UltraSelfie™ camera with OIS Takes selfie pictures and videos with greater clarity with the built-in optical image stabilizer
Productivity 177 Dismiss or Snooze Reminders If you have set at least one reminder for an event, the upcoming event icon will appear in the notific
Productivity 178 ● Double-tap the map with two fingers or slide two fingers together over an area to zoom out. To zoom out while holding the phone w
Productivity 179 Get Directions Get detailed directions to your destination. Google Maps provides travel directions by car, public transit, bike, or
Productivity 180 In Google Maps, tap > Help. The Web browser opens and takes you to the Google Maps help site. Search for Information Start y
Productivity 181 Tip: To get help or provide feedback, tap > Help & feedback on the Google Settings screen. Get Instant Information with Goo
Productivity 182 To change the settings of a specific card, tap and then tap an action. To change specific information such as your work addr
Productivity 183 2. Pull down the screen with your finger, and then release to refresh. Turn Off Google Now 3. Tap > > Settings. 4. Ta
Productivity 184 Turn Off Now on Tap 1. Tap > > Settings. 2. Tap Google. 3. Tap Search & Now > Now cards. 4. Tap the switch ne
Productivity 185 Set an Alarm You can set up one or more alarms. 1. Tap the clock on your Home screen panel, if available. Or tap > > C
Productivity 186 Additional options include Lap to keep track of laps and Reset to continue timing. Timer The timer provides a countdown timer for
TOC i Table of Contents Getting Started ...
Set Up Your Phone 7 HTC BoomSound® hi-fi edition speakers Lets you hear the different ringtones and sounds. This speaker also lets you hear the calle
Productivity 187 ● Check your available Google Drive storage space in Settings. ● Back up your phone to Google Drive, so you can easily restore you
Productivity 188 HTC Sync Manager With HTC Sync Manager, enjoy the same media whether you’re at your computer or on the move. Use it also to store yo
Productivity 189 Important: If you disabled your anti-virus program, make sure to turn it back on after installing HTC Sync Manager. Transfer iPhone
Productivity 190 3. Tap to start recording a voice clip. Note: Voice Recorder can run in the background while you do other things on your phone, e
Entertainment and Activities 191 Entertainment and Activities Your phone lets you discover, download, and listen to your favorite music through a var
Entertainment and Activities 192 Google Play Music Screen Layout The following diagram outlines the main features of the Play Music app player screen
Entertainment and Activities 193 Install the Sprint Music Plus App on Your Phone Before you use Sprint Music Plus on your phone, you must download an
Entertainment and Activities 194 Watch YouTube Videos 1. Tap > > YouTube. 2. Browse or search for a video. 3. Tap the one you want to
Entertainment and Activities 195 4. Choose how you want to share the video link from the available options. Sprint Zone Access your Sprint account,
Entertainment and Activities 196 HTC BoomSound for Headphones Turn on HTC BoomSound with Dolby Audio and put on your headphones to enjoy refined audi
Set Up Your Phone 8 5. After charging, disconnect the phone from the charger. Unplug the AC adapter from the outlet, and remove the USB cable fro
197 Settings The following set of topics will cover your phone’s settings menus and options. For an overview of the settings menu, see Basic Setting
Connections Settings 198 Connections Settings The following topics provide an overview of your phone's basic and connection settings. Basic Sett
Connections Settings 199 Google Options for all Google apps and features on your phone. Display, gestures & buttons Change the display, motion ge
Connections Settings 200 Bluetooth Settings Your phone’s Bluetooth capabilities let you use wireless headsets, send and receive pictures and files,
Device Settings 201 Device Settings Adjust your phone's sound, display, storage, apps and battery settings. Display, Gestures & Buttons Sett
Device Settings 202 Brightness By default, the screen brightness automatically adjusts depending on the surrounding lighting conditions. 1. Tap &
Device Settings 203 1. Tap > > Settings. 2. Tap Display, gestures & buttons. 3. Tap Screen timeout, and then tap the time before t
Device Settings 204 Sound Profile and Vibrate Use the following settings for such features as silent mode, vibrate, and overall phone volume. 1. Tap
Device Settings 205 2. Tap . 3. Tap Total silence, Alarms only, or Priority only depending on if you want to allow exceptions. When Priority only
Device Settings 206 5. Enter a name for the rule, and then select whether to base it on time or an event. For Time rule: • Set the days. • Set
Set Up Your Phone 9 Nano SIM Card HTC 10 uses a nano SIM card. The nano SIM card is preinstalled on HTC 10. If you need to remove or replace the ca
Device Settings 207 System Sound Settings The System sound settings menu lets you select whether you hear tones when tapping numbers on the dialpad,
Device Settings 208 3. Tap Manage app notifications. 4. Select an app whose notifications you want to appear on the lock screen. 5. Select whether
Device Settings 209 2. Tap Apps. 3. Tap the application you want to disable, and then tap Disable. Storage Settings The Storage settings let you vi
Device Settings 210 Important: After setting up the SD card as internal storage, the SD card can only be used on HTC 10 where it has been formatted.
Device Settings 211 ● When you take new photos or videos, capture new screenshots, or download new files after the migration, they will be saved to
Device Settings 212 To paste, tap > Copy to. In the Save to slideout menu, choose where to paste to, and then tap Copy. Copy Files To or From
Device Settings 213 Remove or Disable Apps Uninstall apps that you've downloaded if no longer need them. Preinstalled apps can be disabled when
Device Settings 214 To set when to automatically switch this mode on, tap Power saver > Turn on automatically, and then select a battery level. Us
Device Settings 215 2. Tap Power. 3. Select Show battery level. Battery Saving Tips How long the battery can last before it needs recharging depend
Device Settings 216 If an app came preloaded and can’t be uninstalled, disabling the app can still prevent it from continuously running or syncing da
Set Up Your Phone 10 2. Fully insert the tray eject pin (included in the box) into the small hole next to the nano SIM card tray slot until the tray
Personal Settings 217 Personal Settings Use these options to personalize your phone, set security, or manage your online accounts and apps. Personali
Personal Settings 218 Alarm Tap this option to select an alarm sound. For details on how to set an alarm, see Set an Alarm. 1. Tap > > S
Personal Settings 219 1. Tap > > Settings. 2. Tap Accounts & sync. 3. Tap . 4. Tap an account type. You can set up these account
Personal Settings 220 4. Tap or > Remove. 5. Tap Remove account to confirm. Important: Some personal data may be retained by the third-party
Personal Settings 221 When you turn the Location setting feature on, the phone displays the icon on the status bar. When you turn Location setting
Personal Settings 222 4. Tap None to disable both the lock and security screens. Use Face Unlock - Smart Lock 1. Tap > > Settings. 2.
Personal Settings 223 3. Tap Screen lock > PIN. 4. Enter a PIN and tap Continue. 5. Enter your PIN again to confirm and tap OK. If you fail to
Personal Settings 224 Important: After installing the app, go back to Settings > Security and make sure to clear the Unknown sources option. This
Personal Settings 225 Contacts. Save contacts and other personal data to your online accounts so you can just sync them when switching to another
Personal Settings 226 ● All accounts you’ve added in Settings > Accounts & sync and the data associated with these accounts ● Personal data
Set Up Your Phone 11 2. Hold the phone face up. 3. Fully insert the tray eject pin (included in the box) into the small hole next to the microSD ca
System Settings 227 System Settings Use these options to change the phone's language, keyboard, date and time, accessibility, and more. Accessib
System Settings 228 Sound balance: Tap to control the left or right channel volume. Mono audio: Select this option to improve sound when liste
System Settings 229 Use two fingers to swipe down from the top of the screen. Assign TalkBack Shortcuts TalkBack has customizable gestures that yo
System Settings 230 Tip: You can test the speech rate by tapping Listen to an example. Change the TalkBack Language Settings 1. Tap > >
System Settings 231 Keyboard and Input Methods - Google Voice Typing This option lets you choose the input language for Google voice typing, block of
System Settings 232 1. Tap > > Settings. 2. Tap Date & time. 3. Tap the Travel mode On/Off switch to turn travel mode on or off. P
System Settings 233 3. Scroll through the list and select options to view or customize information. Hardware and software version: Displays the p
234 Getting Help The following set of topics will cover troubleshooting tips, phone specifications, and how to contact Sprint and manage your wirele
For Assistance 235 For Assistance The following topics address areas of support for your phone, including troubleshooting, specifications, account in
For Assistance 236 Question: Battery level goes down quickly. Answer: Are you where signal is weak or have been out of service area for a long perio
Set Up Your Phone 12 Note: When you format or erase the SD card, the files CANNOT be retrieved. To help prevent the loss of important data, please ch
For Assistance 237 Maximum Output 3G: 0.22 W 4G: 0.2 W GSM: ● 850/900: 1.78 W ● 1800/1900: 0.89 W Communication Speed LTE 3xCA – DL: 450 Mbps, UL
For Assistance 238 Voicemail Passcode You’ll create your voicemail passcode when you set up your voicemail. See Voicemail Setup for more information
For Assistance 239 Sprint Support Services Sprint 411 and Sprint Operator Services let you easily access information and calling assistance from your
For Assistance 240 Twitter is a trademark of Twitter, Inc., and is used under license. DLNA and the DLNA disc logo are trademarks or registered trade
Index 241 Index 3-way Calling, 93 4G, 127 Accessibility TalkBack, 228 Accessory Jack, 6 Account Passwords, 237 Activation, 19 Airplane Mode, 35 Alarm
Index 242 Caller ID, 93 Camera, 159 Capture Mode, 160 Close the App, 162 HDR Mode, 166 Launch, 160 Pro Mode, 170 RAW Photo, 170 Record Video, 164 Set
Index 243 Delete threads, 123 Get Help, 126 Inbox, 121 Labels, 123 Mute threads, 123 Read and reply, 121 Reply Email, 122 Report phishing, 124 Report
Index 244 HTC Sync Manager, 188 Get Help, 189 Install, 188 Transfer iPhone, 189 iCloud, 23 Incoming Call Answer, 85 Mute Ringtone, 85 Reject, 85 Inte
Index 245 Personal Audio Profile, 196 Phone Change Dialer Layout, 81 Dialer, 80 Ringtone, 95 Phone Calls, 80 Answer, 84 Emergency Numbers, 82 Extensi
Index 246 Google, 230 Hearing Aids, 97 HTC BoomSound, 203 HTC Connect, 200 Language & Keyboard, 230 List of Settings, 198 Location Settings, 220
Set Up Your Phone 13 Turn Your Phone On Press and hold the Power/Lock button on the right panel of the phone. Your phone will power on. Depen
Index 247 Three-finger Tap, 19 Timer, 186 Touch, 14 Touch and Hold, 15 Touchscreen, 6 Turn off, 48 Transfer Content, 21, 226 From Android Phone, 22 i
Set Up Your Phone 14 Note: When the screen is locked and you press the Power/Lock button it will only turn off the screen and not the phone. You will
Set Up Your Phone 15 Touch and Hold To open the available options for an item (for example, a contact or link in a Web page), touch and hold the item
Set Up Your Phone 16 Flick Flicking the screen is similar to swiping, except that you need to swipe your finger in light, quick strokes. This finge
TOC ii Phone Settings Menu... 26 Using Quick S
Set Up Your Phone 17 Pinch and Spread "Pinch" the screen using your thumb and forefinger to zoom out or "spread" the screen to zo
Set Up Your Phone 18 Two-finger Swipe Swipe down from the status bar with two fingers to open Quick Settings. Three-finger Gesture ● Swipe up usin
Set Up Your Phone 19 ● The 3-finger gesture may not be available when TalkBack gestures are enabled. For details, see Navigate Your Phone with TalkB
Set Up Your Phone 20 • Tap Activate to override auto-activation and start the manual activation wizard. • Follow the onscreen prompts to complete t
Set Up Your Phone 21 Terms of use – Read any applicable End User License Agreements or Terms of use for using your phone, and tap Next to continue
Set Up Your Phone 22 Transfer Content from an Android Phone On your old Android phone, download the HTC Transfer Tool and use it to transfer your con
Set Up Your Phone 23 8. Wait for the transfer to finish. 9. Tap Done on both phones. Transfer Content from an iPhone If you have an iPhone®, there
Set Up Your Phone 24 ● Use cloud storage services to put your media in one place so you can manage them anywhere—on your computer, HTC 10, and other
Basic Operations 25 Basic Operations The following topics outline basic features and operations of your phone. Basics The following topics offer an o
Basic Operations 26 Tip: While you’re in another screen or app, tap to return to the last Home screen you visited. Onscreen Navigation Keys Your ph
TOC iii Update Your Phone Software ... 49 Update Your Profi
Basic Operations 27 Using Quick Settings In the Quick Settings panel, easily turn settings such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on or off. 1. Do any of the f
Basic Operations 28 Capture Screenshots Capture the phone screen to show off your high game score, write a blog post about your phone’s features, or
Basic Operations 29 App Function/Service 1Weather Check out the latest in weather news and forecast. Amazon Shop the Internet using the Amazon app.
Basic Operations 30 Gmail Create, send, and receive emails. See Gmail. Google Open Google Search or Google Now. See Perform Searches on the Web a
Basic Operations 31 Play Music Search, buy, and listen to music on your phone. Play Store Search, buy, and install apps to your phone. See Google P
Basic Operations 32 Launch an App There are several options for opening an app from the Home screen. ● Tap an app on the launch bar at the bottom of
Basic Operations 33 Move Apps and Folders 1. Tap > . 2. Tap > Custom. 3. Tap > Rearrange apps. 4. Touch and hold an app or folder
Basic Operations 34 Hide or Show Apps on the Apps Screen 1. Tap > . 2. Tap > Show/Hide apps. 3. Select the apps you want to hide, or cl
Basic Operations 35 Airplane Mode When you enable Airplane (flight) mode, all wireless radios on your phone are turned off, including the call functi
Basic Operations 36 3. After you have selected the text you want to copy, tap Copy or . The selected text is then copied to the clipboard. 4. In a
TOC iv Launch the Camera ... 77 Motion Launc
Basic Operations 37 ● Tap to show number and symbol keys. Tap to return to the main keyboard. ● Tap to choose from a wide selection of emoj
Basic Operations 38 2. On the onscreen keyboard, touch and hold . 3. When you see the microphone image, speak out the words you want to type. Tip:
Basic Operations 39 2. Open the app you need, and then tap a text field to show the keyboard. 3. Turn your phone sideways to bring up a bigger keyb
Basic Operations 40 4. To move the keyboard up, drag the center button up. Show Numeric Keys on the Top Row of the Keyboard 1. Tap > >
Basic Operations 41 Google Account Cautions Be sure not to forget your Google Account ID or password. Create a Google Account If you do not already
Basic Operations 42 To go to your Gmail inbox, tap > > Gmail. Sign In to Your Google Account If you have a Google Account but have not
Basic Operations 43 2. When you open the Google Play Store app for the first time, the Terms of Service window will appear. Tap Accept to continue.
Basic Operations 44 Update an App Depending on your settings, many apps will update automatically, or you can update apps directly from the Play Sto
Basic Operations 45 Google Wallet You must have a Google Wallet account associated with your Google Account to purchase items from the Google Play S
Basic Operations 46 6. To add another card, tap and follow the onscreen instructions. Note: If you are already signed in to your Google Account, y
TOC v Call Features ... 96 Voicem
Basic Operations 47 5. Repeatedly touch the scanner until the fingerprint has been successfully recorded. You’ll get the best results if you hold
Basic Operations 48 Tap a recorded fingerprint to rename or delete it. Tap Reset fingerprint scanner to delete all recorded fingerprints. Se
Basic Operations 49 Signal during update: Update your phone where signal reception is good, and do not change location during the update process. Mak
Basic Operations 50 Update the Operating System This option allows you to update the phone’s operating system (OS) via an over-the-air connection. 1
Your Phone's Home Screen 51 Your Phone's Home Screen The following topics describe how to use and customize your phone’s home screen, under
Your Phone's Home Screen 52 Status Area The status area of the status bar (on the right) displays phone and service status information such as s
Your Phone's Home Screen 53 General notification (for example, sync error) More notifications available (tap to view) Missed call Call in pr
Your Phone's Home Screen 54 Data synchronizing – connected to HTC Sync Alarm set Battery (charging) Battery (full charge) Notification Pane
Your Phone's Home Screen 55 Manage App Notifications You can set the priority of app notifications or completely block notifications for apps yo
Your Phone's Home Screen 56 HTC BlinkFeed - Your Dynamic Home Screen Get the latest news about your interests or status updates from your right
TOC vi Get Help with Gmail ... 126 Internet an
Your Phone's Home Screen 57 1. On the Home screen, slide two fingers together. 2. Tap . 3. Do one of the following: To turn on HTC Blin
Your Phone's Home Screen 58 ● Tap the dots at the bottom for more options. Add Sources to HTC BlinkFeed Add news sources such as News Republic™
Your Phone's Home Screen 59 2. Swipe right to open the slideout menu. 3. Next to News Republic, tap > Add topics. 4. Tap , and enter ke
Your Phone's Home Screen 60 3. Tap > Settings > Choose Highlights topics. 4. Select the feed sources you want to appear in Highlights.
Your Phone's Home Screen 61 Freestyle Layout The Freestyle Home screen layout frees you from grid constraints and allows you to place your ico
Your Phone's Home Screen 62 Tap Themes store to use a wallpaper from the Theme app. See Themes for details. To use a photo you captured wi
Your Phone's Home Screen 63 5. Select from the preset wallpapers or tap to choose from your photos. 6. Tap Change wallpaper under the Night
Your Phone's Home Screen 64 2. Touch and hold a widget panel thumbnail, and then drag it left or right to the position you want. 3. Tap . Wor
Your Phone's Home Screen 65 3. Tap > Widgets. 4. Scroll through the widgets or tap to search for specific widgets. Some widgets are ava
Your Phone's Home Screen 66 6. Tap the newly added sticker, and then tap an app to link to the sticker. Note: If you need to link the sticker t
TOC vii Prevent Notifications from Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks ... 143 Connect to a Wi‑Fi Network via
Your Phone's Home Screen 67 1. Tap Tap to personalize. 2. On the setup screen of the HTC Sense Home widget, tap Let's explore. 3. Ta
Your Phone's Home Screen 68 1. On your Home screen, slide right or left until you see the HTC Sense Home widget. 2. Tap , and then tap the lo
Your Phone's Home Screen 69 Customize the Lock Screen Use the home wallpaper, or use any photo you’ve taken with the camera as the lock screen w
Your Phone's Home Screen 70 Tap Smart Lock, confirm your screen lock, and then tap Trusted face > Improve face matching. Follow the onscre
Your Phone's Home Screen 71 1. Double-tap the notification to see the full notification. For restaurant recommendations, tap or the notificat
Your Phone's Home Screen 72 Bookmark Themes While browsing themes, you can bookmark them so you can easily find them later. 1. Tap > >
Your Phone's Home Screen 73 2. Tap > Edit current theme. 3. Tap any of the other categories you want to change. 4. Tap an item in the ca
Your Phone's Home Screen 74 2. Browse to the theme you want to share and tap it to view the details. 3. While viewing the details page of any
Your Phone's Home Screen 75 4. Select the Motion Launch gestures you want. Wake Up to the Lock Screen Go from sleep mode to the lock screen w
Your Phone's Home Screen 76 3. Lift the phone in portrait orientation. 4. Immediately swipe up from the bottom half of the screen. Make sure
TOC viii Close the Camera App... 162 Take a Pictur
Your Phone's Home Screen 77 2. Immediately swipe right from the right side of the screen. Make sure you’re not touching the screen when the p
Your Phone's Home Screen 78 ● When swiping up to unlock the screen, you didn’t swipe from the bottom half of the screen. ● You may have covere
Your Phone's Home Screen 79 Making Connections The following set of topics will cover your phone’s ability to help you make connections, from ph
Phone Calls and Voicemail 80 Phone Calls and Voicemail The following topics outline the use of your device’s phone app to place and receive calls, us
Phone Calls and Voicemail 81 4. Tap the contact you want to call. To check other phone numbers associated with the contact, tap beside the co
Phone Calls and Voicemail 82 After dialing the main number, touch and hold . The letter p is added to the number you are dialing. Enter the exten
Phone Calls and Voicemail 83 Set Up Speed Dial Your phone can store up to eight phone numbers in speed dial locations. (The number 1 is reserved for
Phone Calls and Voicemail 84 ● To call someone in your contacts list, the stored phone number needs to have a "+" sign followed by the cou
Phone Calls and Voicemail 85 When you receive a phone call from a contact, the Incoming call screen appears and displays the caller ID icon, name, an
Phone Calls and Voicemail 86 In-Call Screen Layout and Operations While you’re on a call, you will see a number of onscreen options. ● Mute : Mut
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